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I would really like to use this mod, but my phone is a 32bit. By any chance in the future, will you make a 32bit?


This is a 32 bit as it is for everyone.

This is a great mod 10/10

also i made my oc :)

This is an actually good mod.

I HAVE A PROBLEM I'D LIKE TO REPORT. I don't know if this is some weird doki doki meta stuff but everything was going fine until I selected the blue back hair on the last page. Immediately everything froze and I couldn't get out of the hairs page without switching to another character. Then everything went insane, everything was freezing and when I saw the character with the blue hair's props they all said 100. And it's not like that's just it, like props I hadn't even selected just appeared on the character. The props that appeared were weapon 1, weapon 2, shield, nose, mouth and eyebrows (I was using the OC base and already gave the character some eyes using the sparkle sparkle blue pupils). Then a message appeared saying that my device couldn't run it anymore and I was forced to delete it and try to reinstall it.

I don't think this is just a coincidence either. When I tried again on gacha nymph PC the highlights on the hair wouldn't change after I added the cursed blue hair then quickly changed it. I didn't want the game to go through another episode so I quickly deleted it and am now going to reinstall. Something about that hair just breaks the game for some reason. Please fix it (or don't if it's supposed to be intentional because it gave me a pretty good scare).

It bugged the game code. One of the people working on the code forgot to remove the code of the placeholder, I think.

Muito ruim

"Muito ruim"? Elaborar por favor. O que parece ser o problema?

Que jogo chato

O que tornava chato? É simplesmente um mod.

Que ruim heim

Por favor, pare de enviar spam de ódio? É um mod de gacha. 

eu estou dando minha opinião sobre o que eu acho 

Vocês nem pensam nas pessoas que tem 32 GB 😒🙄🙄🙄🙄

Este mod é de 32 bits. Se você está falando de armazenamento, eu tenho 30 GB e não estou reclamando, estou? Por favor, não faça spam de coisas desrespeitosas. 

blá blá blá blá blá 


Nem instalou, que jogo bosta

Por favor, pare de ser rude com os desenvolvedores. Lamento não ter baixado. Você deve verificar quanto armazenamento possui, o dispositivo em que está executando (pode não ser compatível). Se isso não funcionar, os criadores provavelmente não querem você! /piada

Que bom que não me querem, logo vai ter o gacha nebula 😏🙄

Pra mim não está indo não está instalado por meu celular ser 32 bits por favor faça uma versão de 32 bits 

Eles não pensam né 😒🙄

Por favor, pare? Os criadores pensam. É um 32 bits, pois funciona para todos.

Este é um 32 bits, pois funciona para todos.

Então por algum motivo pra mim não tá indo o download falha

Não sei como responder a isso, mas é de 32 bits.

a mod for ios finally

(1 edit) (+1)

how do I download? it keeps saying "app not installed" I have a Amazon Kindle Fire, does it work on that device? 

I don't think so, as it is a kindle, it's used to read, it has low storage, I'm sorry!

o, okay thanks for the help. 


I love the assets and the vibe!!! And the music is so calm! Also this is an oc i made with the mod!! ^^

i love your oc 

This is a really cool mod! I really like the assets though. Here's what I made lol

please add nezuko shoes

The game will not be getting any more additions as the main creator is taking a break from modding, I'm sorry


how can I download it for iPad?

Same way you download it for mobile. Just make sure if your iPad is a android or IOS!

The PC Version of the Mod is like 277 MB and I have like 0 percent of Storage so I'm planning on to Rest my Entire Computer 💀

Oh damn, I know how it's feel 😭😭 bc I have a PC too :,)

Que jogo bosta nem abaixa 

Vou mandar você um metro e meio abaixo do chão se vir outra mensagem como esta. Eu respeito as pessoas que veem este mod e deixam comentários, mas você continua odiando o mod, chamando-o de merda, Merda falando o mod, e nem mesmo se explicando por suas ações. Seja gentil antes de denunciá-lo ao criador por spam e desrespeito.

Tudo o que eu estou falando não é spam, nossa que medo de você, só estou falando pra eles melhorarem logo esse jogo

Scarlet you need more space

Were you replying to someone ?

Eles nem pensa nas pessoas que tem 32gb né 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Por favor pare.

Eng: Please stop.


it happens to me 3 times tho its normal

wait a moment then close it make sure to pin it then open again you will see a strange avatar close it again and its done :D


Is that really true? Also wdym pin it?

well the blue and green screen means it is gonna be a lag


I haven't even tried the mod yet but I was looking in the comments and people were saying things about the blue and green screen.

(1 edit)

Vay be beğendim ♥💗💖 but game error

I tried to play the mod but it views only blue and green, if you fix it, ill be happy 😊 i don't wanna hurt you

Sadly the game won't be having any updates as the main creator is tired from what I know. I'm sorry!

Its really awesome ! I can make any oc from my illustrations in my sketchbook :)



Great mod!!

I really love your creepypasta design's ♥️


Thank you ^^

enserio cual es la necesidad de hacer a Nina negr4, la creadora esta artade eso 💀💀


It didn't download :( is the android version for 32 bit or 62 bit?


Maybe its just the File that is corrupted or something.

It is 32 bit as that version works for everyone!

but it won't install for me even tho I have enough storage 

Your device might not be compatible.

How do I turn it on tho

Didnt work even tho i have enough space

Oh then its the App.


These are two characters I have already made with this mod. It is absolutely amazing.

You have amazing characters<3♡

Thank youuuu

Its not compatible with me my phone

the mod keeps crashing very time

Yeah, the game has a lot of stuff and is very nice. It has crashed for me while I was trying to work to get to the foregrounds. It's just full on storage, that's all!


olá gostaria de pergunta se vcs podem fazer uma versão para 32 bits?.e porque so tem para 64 bits 

Na verdade, é de 32 bits, pois funciona para todos.

Olá, o meu não está instalando o mod e só para 64 bits? Ou não?.

É um 32 bits. Tente verificar se o seu dispositivo é compatível e tem armazenamento suficiente!

I managed to finally get it to download but every time I go in it, it just crashes everytime and then it's very irritating because my game doesn't save so I'm having to keep redoing stuff but then it's a waste of time again because it crashes again so it doesn't save my progress. I'm not sure if it's because my storage is like on the brim of dying or like my phone isn't capable of playing but either way I'm hoping theres a way to fix this. 

I'm sorry. It's not the app that is the problem, so we can't really fix it.

That's alright it might be because of my storage I'm going to try and download it again as I've deleted stuff so my storage isn't dying. Thanks for replying ♡


It keeps saying "app not installed" I was really looking forward to it, 80% sure it's not available for 32bit

It's available for 32bit

ah, okay. Thank you

Ummmm why is this happening when I try to play it

all you have to do is press more info and run anyway, it's completely safe, your pc just makes sure you want to open it


(1 edit)

click "more info" then click "run anyway"


I ran it and I like it


My phone is 64 bit so it's not working AT ALL. i was hoping is someone could make two versions (32 and 64)

Thats weird. My phone is 32 bit and it doesnt work for me either, even though I've tried everything.

Your phone might not be compatible or doesn't have enough storage. It runs on mine.

It is a 32 bit.

This could've been a good mod if you added a 64bit and a 32bit version. I can download your older mods but can't download this one so I'm hoping for 64 and 32 bit versions

It is a 32 bit


It's Nymphology,not psychology!🎶


Be the manic pixie dream girl that you fuckin' ought to be

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